Monday, March 22, 2021

March 22, 2021

We see our parents as avatars - representative of the role they play. We can’t see their full humanity until we have lived long enough to understand that they had dreams, made sacrifices, felt sorrow and love. Hopefully we are able to understand while they are still alive.

"If you want to be a clear thinker you cannot pay attention to politics because it’ll destroy your ability to think."


You worry that your life is so fragile that your fears have control over it. Once you realize that most people don’t care about you, you’re going to die, and the world will go on without you, your anxiety will cease and you can enjoy your daily life.

drone over volcano:

Stephen L. Miller




A dead giveaway about how performative the outrage from the media and people like Jim Acosta over Trump's term is how muted they are today that the Biden administration is stopping them from accessing the border camps.

Stephen L. Miller




No anchors on CNN or The View crying. No publicity stunts of touching and weeping at the wall. There are no Time Magazine covers. Biden has frozen out the media completely, and they are perfectly fine with it. 

ABC sent a crew to broadcast outside and they all went apoplectic

There lived an old farmer who had worked in his fields for many, many years. One day, his horse bolted away. His neighbors dropped in to commiserate with him. “What awful luck,” they tut-tutted sympathetically, to which the farmer only replied, “We’ll see.”

Next morning, to everyone’s surprise, the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How amazing is that!” they exclaimed in excitement. The old man replied, “We’ll see.”

A day later, the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses. He was thrown on the ground and broke his leg. Once more, the neighbors came by to express their sympathies for this stroke of bad luck. “We’ll see,” said the farmer politely.

The next day, the village had some visitors – military officers who had come with the purpose of drafting young men into the army. They passed over the farmer’s son, thanks to his broken leg. The neighbors patted the farmer on his back – how lucky he was to not have his son join the army! “We’ll see,” was all that the farmer said!

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