Wednesday, March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021 

I'm hearing it repeated as gospel truth that "nearly all" American mass shooters are white. Here are the photos of mass shooters from 2019 (defined as four or more shot in a single incident). It shows quite a diverse set of faces. #Boulder #Atlanta

"Money doesn’t buy happiness - it buys freedom."

"The human brain isn’t designed to process all of the world’s emergencies in realtime."
The riskiest thing to do is take no risks at all. Playing it safe keeps you from really ever playing at all.

"If you want to make the maximum amount of money possible, if you want to get rich over your life in a deterministically predictable way, stay on the bleeding edge of trends and study technology, design, and art—become really good at something."

"The great viruses of our time spread through minds, not through bodies."

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