Wednesday, July 14, 2021

July 14, 2021


I've been on Twitter for 4 years now, Got over 148,000 followers, And made hundreds of thousands of dollars on this platform. Here are the 8 lessons that if I knew at the start, would've doubled those numbers:

Replying to
1. Be timely Some of my best tweets have been during crises Why? Because it's in everyone's heads - The bitcoin dip - The delta variant - BLM - Lockdowns - Gamestop scandal Share your opinion on relevant topics often.
2. Have inside jokes I have two: Black coffee and crackheads These transcend your brand. They're bigger than you but can be traced back to you. (Hint: This is why memes are so powerful)
3. Play the long game If you check your follower count every day, you're not playing the long game If you get anxious because a tweet doesn't do well, you're not playing the long game It's mathematically impossible to stay stuck if you just keep tweeting Keep going
4. You could easily make 10x the money you're making now just by collaborating with other people: -Launch a product -Do a webinar -Trade services -Coach each other -Help each other grow How much money you make is directly proportional to how good your networking skills are.
5. Don't get lazy The moment you get comfortable is the moment your writing quality declines. Don't let it. Write daily and write a lot. I've forgotten better shit than most people will ever create.
6. Build an email list You can get banned at any moment if Twitter decides so. Building an email list is insurance. Also, it's a great leveraging tool for making tools aside from selling to your audience.
7. Nuance isn't persuasive People don't like to follow people with soft opinions. If you have an opinion, make it strong. Show it often in your tweets. You'll attract the people you want and repel the ones you don't (which gives you a more tribe-like following).
8. Assimilate what's working (more on this below) The same topics you see today have been said for hundreds of years. There's nothing new. It's all a remix. Copy what's already working with a simple search:
EdLatimore min_faves:1000 Then go to "Latest" And you'll find my best tweets for you to assimilate. Growing a following that actually pays is as easy as just doing what works. But I'll make it even easier for you:
Over 500 tweet templates and high-converting sales tweets to get inspiration from PLUS over 200 wordplay templates you can STEAL Join the waitlist for a discount on The Templates this Thursday:

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