Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11, 2021


The problem is not you being uneducated. The problem is that you are educated just enough to believe what you have been taught, and not educated enough to question anything from what you have been taught.

"When building habits, choose consistency over content. The best book is the one you can’t put down. The best exercise is the one you enjoy doing every day. The best health food is the one you find tasty. The best work is the work you’d do for free." -

"A contrarian isn’t one who always objects - that’s a conformist of a different sort. A contrarian reasons independently, from the ground up, and resists pressure to conform." -

We judge others by their words and actions, but prefer others to judge us by our thoughts and feelings

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - ALBERT EINSTEIN

By the way, they don't care that we know about Wuhan now. They only cared about us not being able to talk about it *when it mattered* in 2020. CCP knows nothing will happen to them now. And suddenly the media started talking about it. Amazing.

"When building habits, choose consistency over content. The best book is the one you can’t put down. The best exercise is the one you enjoy doing every day. The best health food is the one you find tasty. The best work is the work you’d do for free." -

Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, “social justice."

What others think of you does not dictate your value. Do what interests you the most. Do what you get the most pleasure from. Forget it all and develop your talents wherever they may lead. Why do you care what other people think?

Your thoughts and feelings are creating your life.

It’s the nature of truth that once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

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The truth is painful at first and there’s no going back to previous paradigms. But if you can get past the initial anger and pain there’s a world of opportunity available once you come to terms with it.

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Newton’s gravity was “Truth” at one point in time. The math checked out and its verifiable predictions turned out to be accurate. To an extent. Then Einstein uprooted it. The former worked if you want to shoot a cannon. The latter was needed if you wanna launch a GPS Satellite.

Truth is limited to its layer of abstraction. When you go meta, you can understand how how time runs faster at the altitude of GPS satellites which then needs continuous corrections. If not, Google Maps becomes useless for nav in a couple of days.

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Anything can be reinterpreted, reframed, reconsidered. And contradictions often make truth quite turvy and harder to pin down. 'Truth' can be very malleable once you notice the problems in the toolkit (words, concepts, abstractions) you use to describe and understand it.

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