OUT: The election wasn't rigged.
IN: The election was rigged, but in a good, smart, upper-middle-class Wine Aunt way. Any questions?
It's pretty pathetic, not a single Democrat Rep could be bothered to show 15 seconds of unity and patriotism while reciting our pledge of allegiance. 15 seconds, that's all asked for. America deserves better, much better. We owe our constituents more.
This is absolutely insane.
Time magazine is literally admitting that a secret cabal of powerful wealthy elite people and corporations hijacked our 2020 election by steering media coverage, influencing perceptions, and changing rules and laws.
This article is like nothing I've ever read before... it's not stealing an election if it's legal. And with all this, Trump still only lost by 100k votes across a few states.
"We say “peace of mind” but really what we want is peace from mind."
Stop begging for government schools to open and start figuring out how to permanently keep your children out of their clutches.
"Follow the science... as long as the science supports a far left ideal."
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