Saturday, May 18, 2024

Thinking is difficult, so most people judge


Carl Jung once said: "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge."

9h  21 tweets  5 min read   Read on X
Carl Jung once said:

"Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge."

Here are 11 things I learned from him:Image
1. “Where your fear is, there is your task”

This is why the work-life balance & self-care movements help people become losers.

Discomfort is where the opportunity is

Find what you fear & look it in the eyes

...otherwise you become mediocre and the rewards are terrible. 
How to apply it:

• Figure out what you fear
• Set challenges to face the fear

As you face more fears, your confidence increases 
2. "The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you."

- The default path is a nightmare

- It leads people to live on auto-pilot and get told what to do

That’s why school, college & corporations can’t wait to tell you what you should do. 
How to apply it:

• Figure out what you're going to do with your life

• Experiment

• Talk to people outside of your bubble

• Learn from failures and rejection instead of gurus & empty advice

Do the thing you can’t stop thinking about, despite how it feels. 
3. “The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”

- Darkness is a superpower

- Rock bottom is where you find your potential

- Dark times lead to amazing comebacks 
How to apply it:

• Ask yourself why
• Let yourself be sad sometimes
• Balance sad times with happy times
• When you feel sad, think of the happy times 
4. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”

Psychologists told me I had mental illness. I embraced it.

Until I realized if I was not in control of my thoughts, there was nowhere to go.

Carl Jung + Tony Robbins helped me gain control again 
How to apply it:

- All situations that happen to you come with a choice.

- Is this event going to empower you or destroy you? You get to decide.

Choose an empowering alternative. 
5. “The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed”

• Most never fail which is why they never truly live.

• They watch other people live the life they should be living

Defeating failure makes you unstoppableImage
How to apply it:

- Think back to times you’ve failed or been rejected

- Let these events give you the confidence you can overcome hard things.

- If you overcame that tragic event, what other challenges might you be able to overcome?

Answer: anything 
6. “The 1st half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the 2nd half is going inward & letting go of it”

Once you let go of your ego reality looks different

How you spend time/energy transforms

Suddenly your

• life
• job
• network
• content consumption

How to apply it:

- Ditch ego-driven tasks & pursuits right now

- Let the second part of your life start early, so you can experience true meaning 
7. "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do"

Tomorrow doesn’t exist

What makes you think you’re too special for cancer?

I wasn’t

“Yesterday you said tomorrow”

Actions show people who you are. Everything else is a distraction that makes you a liar

Liars = broke 
How to apply it:

• Look at your to-do list. Delete 90% of it.

• Then act today on what’s left.

• Create a sense of urgency.

• Live as if tomorrow doesn’t exist. 
8. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life & you will call it fate”

Carl Jung went so deep into the mind that some say he lost his mind

At 38, Carl started to see visions & hear voices

This period of his life produced his greatest wisdom 
The unconscious mind doesn’t allow you to interrogate it

It’s where auto-pilot behavior/thinking occurs

We now know that we can have power over our unconscious mind through:

-Positive self-talk
-Positive thinking
-NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) 
How to apply it:

• Spend less time on your phone scrolling
• Take back your life
• Dare to meditate or study NLP 
9. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”

Darkness is the way.

- Failure
- Divorce
- Rejection
- Miscarriage
- Bankruptcy
- Getting fired

...are the best things that can happen to you 
How to apply it:

• Experiment
• Take risks
• Don't be a victim
• Expect things to go wrong 
To become a great thinker like Carl Jung, write.

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