Thursday, December 22, 2022

comfortable religion


“If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.” - C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

James Clear's top tweets from 2020

 James Clear's top tweets from 2020

Aug 22, 2020

Entrepreneur’s mind. Athlete’s body. Artist’s soul.

Oct 3, 2020

When you choose who to follow on Twitter, you are choosing your future thoughts.

Aug 30, 2020

Working on a problem reduces the fear of it. It’s hard to fear a problem when you are making progress on it—even if progress is imperfect and slow. Action relieves anxiety.

Sep 23, 2020

We often avoid taking action because we think "I need to learn more," but the best way to learn is often by taking action.

Nov 11, 2020

It took me... 200+ articles before I got a book deal. 250+ articles before I got major media coverage (NYT). 100+ interviews before my book hit the bestseller list. You need a lot of shots on goal. Not everything will work, but some of it will. Keep shooting.

Jul 9, 2020

Lack of confidence kills more dreams than lack of ability. Talent matters—especially at elite levels—but people talk themselves out of giving their best effort long before talent becomes the limiting factor. You're capable of more than you know. Don't be your own bottleneck.

Jul 17, 2020

What looks like talent is often careful preparation. What looks like skill is often persistent revision.

May 27, 2020

Be “selectively ignorant.” Ignore topics that drain your attention. Unfollow people that drain your energy. Abandon projects that drain your time. Do not keep up with it all. The more selectively ignorant you become, the more broadly knowledgable you can be.

Jan 11, 2020

Not taking things personally is a superpower.

James Clear @JamesClear

Jan 15, 2020

There are 3 primary drivers of results in life: 1) Your luck (randomness). 2) Your strategy (choices). 3) Your actions (habits). Only 2 of the 3 are under your control. But if you master those 2, you can improve the odds that luck will work for you rather than against you.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

generative AI, twitter, what you look for


If you look for a reason to hate a person, eventually you'll find it. If you look for a reason to celebrate a person, eventually you'll find it. The former leads to resentment and destructive cynicism. The latter leads to happiness and growth for you and for those you celebrate.

I firmly believe that churches should make their budgets and finances 100% public, every penny received and spent. Especially in larger congregations, I imagine less than 5% of churchgoers can accurately guess how much of their giving goes towards audio/visual and music.

So Twitter operatives after colluding with FBI/DHS censored what info YOU were allowed to see & which candidates YOU were allowed to hear from. Now they’re gaslighting you into thinking is dangerous for revealing this. Tells ya all you need to know about Democrats.

"Wokeness" exploits the kindness of people through weaponized empathy, rejection of merit and achievement, and identity essentialism.

If you regard yourself as a "journalist" and see these revelations as either trivial or positive -- meaning that you think the state of affairs revealed here is either meaningless or (more likely) encouraging -- you're nothing more than a partisan authoritarian. No way around it.

Have the TwitterFiles revealed any bad intentions within Twitter? To me it looks like the employees suffered from narrative poisoning and believed they were making the country a better place. And I don't think they broke any laws.

i think what some predictors have wrong about generative AI is the expectation that it will create content in its current one-to-many form - one movie, one piece of music, a book, consumed by many...

Biggest backfired tweet of all time Stack Hodler @stackhodler Elon was happily tinkering with his rockets and electric ca...