Thursday, September 8, 2022



from FB

I have been skeptical that the problem of consciousness can be resolved scientifically. In an insightful series of thought experiments modeled with algorithms, Jan Scheffel, professor of theoretical plasma physics, demonstrates that consciousness is not reductive (in other words, cannot be reduced to a physical base) and is ontologically emergent from a physical base. That means that the properties of consciousness that we experience are distinct from, but emerge as more than the sum of the parts from, our brains. Neural complexity gives rise to abilities and properties that cannot be fully predicted from or deduced from that neural base. One of those abilities is the ability to choose differently given identical states of the neural network. In other words, this emergent consciousness is the basis of free will in the strong sense of ability to choose otherwise than we in fact choose.

OK, just thinking is to be getting this joke: Descartes takes his date, Jeanne, to a restaurant for her birthday. The sommelier hands them the wine list, and Jeanne asks to order the most expensive Burgundy on the list. “I think not!” exclaims an indignant Descartes, and he disappears.

I start all of my logic classes with this story: The old chief died before he could instruct the new chief on how to prepare for the winter. Concerned about his inexperience, the new chief realizes that he does not know how to instruct his people to prepare for winter. So he calls the weather bureau and asks: "is it going to be a cold winter?" The Bureau agent says, "we don't have much data, but it could be cold." Just to be prepared, the new chief tells his people to gather some wood. A little later, still worried that they may not be prepared, he calls the bureau again and asks: "Do you have any more information?" The bureau agent says, "yes, we have some more data. It will be colder than first projected." So the new chief tells his people to gather lots of wood. As the winter approaches, he grows concerned again and calls the bureau and asks" "do you have any more data on whether it will it be cold this winter?" The bureau agent responds: "Yes, it looks like it will be a very cold winter." So the the new chief tells his people to gather all of the wood that they can. As the first snow storm hits, he calls the bureau again for an update. "What do the data suggest now? he asks." The bureau agent responds: "It looks like it will be the coldest winter on record ever!" The chief asks, "how do you know that??" The bureau agent responds, "well, we are short on actual data, but the Native Americans are gathering wood like crazy!"

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