Sunday, August 21, 2022

Threatening status


If you make an observation that people perceive as threatening to their status or their group's status, they will accuse you of being "obsessed" with the observation you make. Tactic is used to make the observer appear unhinged, and to deflect criticism and avoid scrutiny.

America is the only country where even those who hate it refuse to leave.

What’s driving them both is secularization, the loss of purpose, and scientism, or nihilism, about which I will have a lot more to say very soon.

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And I wrote about social justice as a religion, victimology, in San Fransicko

Sooo... the people who cried that instead of buying Twitter, Elon Musk could "solve world hunger" with $44 billion... are completely silent now that Democrats voted to spend $80 billion to expand the IRS... got it.

When our lives do not agree with God’s word, we should ask God to help us see the truth and change as necessary. We should never reject God’s word just because it does not agree with our lifestyle or expectations.

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” - C.S. Lewis

I feel so old-fashioned but still think both academia and journalism should be scrupulously truth-seeking and "how could this be weaponized politically?" should be a second-order concern at best.

Dad Gumm, that turned my day around. Send her my best.
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Timothy Gumm
Replying to @TommyDaComicGuy @ScottAdamsSays and 4 others
He cured my daughters debilitating anxiety with one video. It was like switching on the lights for her. At one point, I thought she would never leave her room. She’s getting married in two weeks. He’s helped my family more than any of my closest friends. He’s amazing.

Everybody is an environmentalist in the sense of not wanting to breathe polluted air or drink polluted water. But in practice the term has come to refer to a pagan nature worship cult that readily sacrifices other human beings on the altar to their dogmas.

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