Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Groupthink etc.

I’m at the point where I appreciate a nuanced point that’s contrary to my beliefs more than an absolutist that’s from my aisle.
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Ed Latimore
In the past 3 days, I've given nuanced/balanced/alternative takes on 3 hot button issues: abortion, student loans, and guns. Trust me when I say this: When you don't take a strong side, you get half the support and twice the hate.
Group think is definitely a survival mechanism  


Musk University | Quotes
"The truth is most people don't change their mind they just die" |

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance, secret government

Cognitive Dissonance, secret government 

"It is the mark of a charlatan to explain a simple concept in a complex way."

Pro Tip: Sarcasm only works if you also have an argument that holds water. If you only have the sarcasm, you are experiencing cognitive dissonance.

If you allow secret information, secret police, and secret courts, you will eventually be ruled by a secret government.

A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have. -Thomas Jefferson

"With my desire to improve everything, I destroy the moment."

"Persistent, non-specific anxiety is the result of wanting so much, talking so much, and doing so much that you lose touch with the quiet joys of solitude."

One way Republicans can love the $10K student loan debt cancellation plan is by calling it Reparations and declaring that topic settled at the same time. The only "reparations" plan that would ever get approved would involve fixing education for everyone at low income.

"When one teaches, two learn." 🧠 -- Robert Heinlein

If they think toddlers can consent to gender counseling, 14-yr-olds can consent to hormones, and 16-yr-olds can consent to trans surgery, then they also think they can consent to sex. They just haven’t openly admitted it yet. Gender ideology is a pedophile movement.

“Pay off your own debt!” says a generation of pundits that went to school when classes were $100 and the minimum wage could finance a mortgage on a 2-bedroom home.

The Florida judge who ruled that a 17 year old wasn’t mature enough to have an abortion, but was mature enough to have a baby, was ousted by voters yesterday.

"To the generation born after Bitcoin, it’s as old as gold."
"One of the things people don’t realize about crypto is, it doesn’t have to have value to everybody. Even if there’s a small percentage of people in the world who really believe in it, and you can use it as a store of value with them any time, then it’s valid."

Decrepit politicians illegally spending money we don't have in the middle of an inflationary cycle to prop up an elitist scam while claiming to help impoverished minorities. That's dying days of the republic type stuff.

The mere repetition of a behavior causes our nervous system to believe that the specific actions involved, and the context in which they are embedded are important, for better or for worse. Choose what you repeat wisely.

The people most confused by the news are the ones working in the arts or the field of writing. For them, everything has a movie interpretation.
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Dean Temple 🇺🇦
Replying to @ScottAdamsSays
“Find me through exact number of votes I need to win” - yeah, nothing wrong with that statement, you are definitely the one with clarity here.

People who think life is like movies are confused by the news.
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Chase Mitchell
Ah yeah it’s like that famous line from The Godfather, “I’ll make him an offer where if he doesn’t do it I kill him” twitter.com/scottadamssays…

Biggest backfired tweet of all time

  https://x.com/stackhodler/status/1886512642749083706 Stack Hodler @stackhodler Elon was happily tinkering with his rockets and electric ca...