Monday, July 26, 2021

July 26, 2021

Just In: The White House knew about the Tucker 'confrontation' and the entire set-up was planned out in advance, per WH official
Direction is much more important than speed. 🧠

Don’t use your energy to worry! Use your energy to believe, to create, to learn, to think, and to grow.

Make a commitment to gain control of your predominant thoughts. When you gain control of your mind, you will be the Master of yourself and your life.

Once you see the similarity between school buildings and prisons, you can't unsee it. And it will never stop bugging you.

"Just like a low resting heart rate is the byproduct of intense exercise, low anxiety is the byproduct of intense self-examination." - Naval Ravikant
Predict a headline you expect to see one year from now. I'll go first. "Infrastructure Bill Still Stalled"

"The profile picture is the logo for your Twitter brand. Pick a unique picture that's recognizable from a distance, and don't change it. It'll stand out in a pile of mentions and allow busy accounts to notice and remember you." -

How exactly do we know the Delta variant is a natural variation and not a new virus from a lab in China that once again, coincidentally, doesn't have any impact on China? Is it because no American court found proof of widespread virus fraud?
I can’t get over this comment I heard in Elder’s Quorum: “ We often judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions.”
One way to increase vaccination rates would be to report COVID-19 deaths by political affiliation. If it's not obvious to you why that would work, you haven't been paying attention for the past five years.

Zero people are smart enough to do that kind of research. The illusion is that normies can do such a thing. Same problem with personal investing. "Do your own research" is probably the worst advice in the world after "Be yourself."
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Replying to @ScottAdamsSays
Most people are smart enough to do the research on how the companies manufacturing them have zero liability for side effects while they quietly take their past products off the market for cancer causing carcinogens & settle big cases for fraud, foreign bribery & false marketing.

Prof. Feynman
People need to understand that: • It's Okay to fail, • It's Okay to make mistakes, • It's Okay to admit that you are wrong. • It's Okay to not have an opinion about something • It's Okay to say "I don't know"
“We should support whatever the enemy opposed and oppose whatever the enemy supports.” —Mao Tse-tung

I often find myself pondering upon answers to these three questions asks: - What feels like play to you but looks like work to others? - If you are so smart, why aren't you happy? - If no one in this world had anything to offer you, how would you live your life?

Went to church in Utah county this morning where my wife and I were the only people wearing masks. I estimate that anywhere from 50-70% of the attendants are unvaccinated. What was the "theme" of the talks? Following the Prophet. I need to get back to Connecticut.

"In an age of infinite leverage, judgement is the most important skill."


The more neatly you fit into society, the less free you actually are. 

Unsolicited advice, no matter useful or perceptive, won't be received because the person didn't ask for it.

If you want to de-polarize American society, begin with a simple task: say publicly that someone you totally disagree with about politics, someone who voted for the other guy, is a nice human being and people should give them a read or listen.

Scott Adams
Trump at yesterday's rally, activating the flipperoo strategy: "The big lie they call it, you know what is the big lie? The opposite was the big lie. The election was the big lie."

People would rather take solicited advice that will ruin their life instead of unsolicited advice that would save it.

Socrates to Plato to Aristotle has to be the greatest baton pass of all time.

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