Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 28, 2021

Learn how to put your ego aside and apologize. Be proud of correcting yourself. Not of being "right".


"Spend all of your time learning, earning, relaxing or exercising. Outsource everything else."

Your three most important decisions in life:- Your Spouse Your Job Where you live -

There has never been a time in history where the people burning books and censoring speech were the righteous ones.

“The liars always call themselves the ministers of truth”

One might think that providing accurate information to an under-informed person would cause them to modify their opinion on politics. Instead, it triggers cognitive dissonance. So, the two conditions that cause hallucinations about reality are: Lack of knowledge and knowledge.

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Your work on the fine people hoax is a perfect example of this - I’ve presented the facts to many people and it instantly triggers cognitive dissonance - they usually can’t get past this one simple thing - it’s like an IQ test, wisdom test & psych test in one

It's a great test case because you can watch people go down the Cognitive Dissonance Well in a predictable spiral.

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I call this negative knowledge. The problem is not only what they dont know, its what they think they already know The negative knowledge has to be deconstructed (carefully) first before the mind is willing to accept new information

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80% of people that learned something from an authority figure when they were young will absolutely refuse to believe anything different.

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Then we have no choice but to swindle people with finely concocted bullshit until they accidentally arrive at the truth.

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Only the top 1% are lucid enough to handle knowledge. The rest are tribal, superstitious, and easily fooled. It has always been this way. Democracy just allows the 99% to have a shot at power through popularity. So the 1% either allows destruction or cheats to stay in charge.

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Delusions about reality, not hallucinations `While hallucinations are based in the senses, delusions revolve around concepts, ideas and beliefs that are strongly held in the mind`

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It is the Green zone mentality. Inside the walls there is a known and comfortable reality. Anything that challenges it is like a mortar coming over the wall.

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One must control the narrative & the frame so the target arrives at the desired result on its own. People believe what they want to believe and they always believe they are right.

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So true ...I merely provided facts on two occasions to a sanctimonious know-it-all who was wrong more than she was right while she was lecturing others about the dangers of false information The cold hard facts were met with irrational panic, screaming & ultimately being blocked

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The problem is that most information being given is inaccurate & not "settled" science. The problem is we aren't allowed to question it. That causes distrust.

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Mark Twin: "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are misinformed."

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It doesn’t cause them to modify their opinion on anything because they can’t. There’s a reason they’re under-informed and it’s not because they don’t have access to knowledge.

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I don't understand why people are seemingly immune to re-evaluating their stances based upon further input. Sadly, even scientists are now unwilling to do so, having such a vested interest in securing funding and maintaining their standing with peers. Nobody wants to be Galileo.

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Define “accurate”. Isn’t that the issue. What you thought was accurate a few months ago now may have flaws. Thus we have a “scientific method” to get to more accurate information.

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People are more concerned about the source than accuracy of information. It's not about the actual truth, it's about the truth they want.

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The human mind can only tolerate so much ambiguity, which is why we tend to pick a side—and why there are sides to begin with—even if it’s not rooted in logic. We’re tribal animals, after all.

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