Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 26, 2021

Basically, the dumber you are, the smarter you think you are, and vice versa.  

When JBP &

are sending the same message on the same day:

: “imagination is how you steer. You might be able to change your future reality by imagining it.”

: “you don’t get something you don’t aim for.”

"Rational optimism is the way out. The data supports it, and history supports it. Through creativity, we can always come up with good explanations to improve our lives and everybody else’s lives. So stay optimistic." -

Books by should be required reading for black conservative pundits and influencers. Many of us lack real persuasion skills, thus alienating the very audience we claim to want to reach before that audience even hears the good news of conservatism.

All the real problems in America just so happen to be the things we aren’t aloud to talk about

If you’re able to sell books (and yes it’s on the author to do so), the economics of that means you’d be better off doing a high production value masterclass. Giving the book away as an incentive to buy your masterclass is 100 times a better move.

Mike Cernovich
I used to write about book publishing stats often. Books are a terrible business to be in. - 10,000 copies sold is a success. - 100,000 copies sold is analogous to a gold record. - 1,000 copies is average amount of copies sold over book’s lifetime.

Substack = $5 a month. That’s more than average royalty for 1 book sold. Even if someone buys print, audio, ebook - $15 total one time vs > $50 year via subscriber model. Once you’ve checked the box on a best seller (no sour grapes, I have), it’s really hard to write another.
A single thought, whether positive or negative, becomes a powerhouse when you believe it.

Biggest backfired tweet of all time Stack Hodler @stackhodler Elon was happily tinkering with his rockets and electric ca...