Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 30, 2021


Ed Latimore
You're the bad guy in someone's story. And nothing you do will change that.
Do I think the short squeeze is over in $GME & $AMC? No. May just be beginning. Here’s why. It involves Yrs ago when same shorts tried to put $TSLA out of business, they built a short position of >40% of the float. Musk said “bring it”. Why did he “want” > shorts?
1) Musk practically begged hedge funds to short Tesla. Because he understood math/derivatives. He turned wall streets creation against them. Used the structure of a short squeeze & gamma squeeze, using deep out of the money call options, to create a multi yr squeeze in $TSLA

2) ...that continues today. You thought $TSLA was worth $750 billion? Musk knows it’s not about the fundamentals. It’s about derivatives. It’s about gamma squeeze. And it’s why $GME & $AMC & others are doing what they’re doing. Now Wall Street wants to kill their Frankenstein

3) Instruments. Yes, these squeezes could eventually crash the system. But that’s a story for later. For now, gamma squeezes &’structural short squeezes will continue. Elon & pros like @chamath probably taught it to WSB.

I'm back at the border today. Behind me, there's tons of equipment that was used to build our border wall which is now sitting idly because President Biden stopped the wall. We've already lost jobs and security.

Interesting how freely the term "insurrection" is thrown around nowadays when if you observed last summer that avowed anarchist revolutionaries who wanted to overthrow the state were engaging in something like "insurrectionary" activity, you were denounced as a white supremacist

Change the lenses, maybe you’ll see more clearly

You never know the truth. You know 'a' truth.

Writing To Riches@WritingToRiches

The right woman makes everything easier.

The wrong woman makes everything harder.

Choose yours wisely.

Brain Valley BrainWriting hand@brainvalleysays

Former becomes your asset while the latter will become your biggest liability

A happy person isn’t someone who’s happy all the time. It’s someone who effortlessly interprets events in such a way that they don’t lose their innate peace.

The end

Biggest backfired tweet of all time Stack Hodler @stackhodler Elon was happily tinkering with his rockets and electric ca...